Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Energy Drinks and Food Stamps

This is for all of you over-achievers and my mom & pop corner store vendors, too! Everywhere I go, people want to know if energy drinks can be purchased using food stamps and the answer is - YES! Monster, Red Bull and other energy drinks can be purchased using EBT/SNAP food stamp benefits. See the  guidelines below:

When considering the eligibility of energy drinks, and other branded products, the primary determinant is the type of product label chosen by the manufacturer to conform to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines: 
  • Energy drinks that have a nutrition facts label are eligible foods
  • Energy drinks that have a supplement facts label are classified by the FDA as supplements, and are therefore not eligible [Source

So energy drinks are nutritious, huh? They are, says the USDA.  I'm not balking at all!  I am grateful that the reviews I conduct help facilitate the food stamp program in local communities.
I am grateful that my field services business takes me to all of the local mom and pop stores around town. Everyone wants or needs to participate in the EBT/SNAP food stamp program.

The next time you see a new "We Accept EBT" sign on a corner store around Los Angeles and surrounding cities, you'll think of me!

In fact, I have so many EBT/SNAP food stamp reviews to conduct, I could use a green Monster energy drink right about now. However, it's a little late. Perhaps I will just go to bed and try again tomorrow!

What is your energy drink of choice? Post a comments below.

by Michelle Brown
#FieldServices #FoodStamps #EBT
Source: http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligible-food-items