If you only know how to do one thing to earn money, you may find yourself on the short end of the stick when times get tougher, post The Great Recession of 2007. Diversification is the name of the game today. In order to get paid in mystery shopping, one must apply to and work for more than one company. Field Services professionals should also work for numbers of companies to insure a steady flow of contracts.
Contracting with several companies provides numerous benefits. I am able to drive to and see new places. I meet tons of new and interesting people and I learn so many things. People are always so happy to talk about what they are into. I am happy to listen, sometimes. Sometimes too much conversation is a distraction. I am still learning how to tactfully excuse myself when people get too chatty.
Currently I conduct reviews for the USDA, as a subcontractor. I review stores that are applying to accept SNAP/EBT (food stamps). I am a reviewer for FDA recalls and also chase delinquent consumer loans.
Yesterday the address of a food stamp vendor seemed vaguely familiar. The street did, at least. As I arrived, I remembered the location perfectly. It seems the same store was having some financial issues earlier this year and became delinquent. I conducted the covert review for the delinquent loan.
In some sort of twisted redemption, I was happy to conduct the review for the food stamp benefits. The store will surely increase sales by accepting food stamps and the neighborhood will equally benefit.
If you would like to apply for SNAP/EBT (food stamps), many states have online applications. Check for your state here: http://bit.ly/OnlineSnapApp
If you find yourself hating your job, hating your employer, or hating how you look in your uniform, start thinking of some ways to escape this rat race. Take a gander at one of my favorite videos about not looking ahead and allowing moss to gather under your feet. The video "Who Moved My Cheese?" was adapted from the New York Times Business Bestseller by Dr. Spencer Johnson.
by Michelle Brown